Discover our educational partners!

We are proud to work with trusted partners in the field of education. Their expertise and commitment to pedagogical excellence enrich our tutoring offer. Discover some of our educational partners below.
C'est quoi la France ?
Fun and educational resources to improve the French language and culture of 6-11 year-olds.

Managing Director : Gaelle Bourgeault

+33 7 67 34 83 35
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Meriem Draman
Guidance and training in educational orientation + OF certified Qualiopi

Founder :Meriem Draman

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An innovative, authentic and multicultural school

Co-founders: Sistac Valerie and Clamens Hélène

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Application Specialist for universities in the UK, Europe and Canada
Expat Student
Expat Student offers comprehensive, tailor-made support for students wishing to enter a prestigious university in the UK, Europe or Canada.

Founder : Louise Thomson Fernet

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Aideor | Solutions for learning disabilities
Since 2018, we've been helping many French-speaking schoolchildren around the world, in partnership with their parents, to rediscover their motivation and enjoyment of learning, experience a boost in self-confidence and achieve better academic performance, for positive long-term impacts in their family and social spheres.
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Learning strategies for daring to lead the life of your dreams
La Méthode Martinez
Sébastien is the 2015 French Memory Champion and vice world champion alongside the French team in 2018. Trained as an engineer, he quickly created his own method for learning, based on the best-known mnemonic strategies.

This method literally changed his life, and since then, he has never ceased to carry the mission of La Méthode Martinez loud and clear through his actions:

"Reveal and liberate your potential to enable you to fully experience it, in order to choose and succeed in your goals."
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Find the teacher who will give you confidence
Preply is a language-learning application
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